Goal Setting
Back in 2014, I exhibited at my first wedding fair. At the event was another cake designer who I was in total awe of, in fact I still am in awe of her.
She had just won The Wedding Industry Award for Best Wedding Cake Designer and I remember thinking how amazing that was, to do something you love and be recognised for it. It was that day that I decided I would one day enter these awards myself.
3 years later and after an insane amount of hard work I decided I was in a position to enter The Wedding Industry Awards myself. I set a personal goal and started the arduous task of emailing all my couples who I had created wedding cakes for in the past twelve months. Not wanting to appear a nuisance by asking them to vote but hoping that they would take the time to complete a short questionnaire via a link I sent them. I am so lucky that many of my wonderful couples took the time.
Fast forward to Monday 30th October and I received the most exciting email....
I am delighted that I have been chosen as a Regional Finalist in these prestigious Wedding Industry Awards.
The next stage is to attend the regional event on 22nd November and wait with anticipation to find out who the Regional Winner will be. Win or loose I am sure it will be a wonderful event.
My personal wins such as my Husbands continued support and my Daughter knowing to aim for her dreams is a huge motivator for me.
So a real heartfelt Thank you to all my wonderful wonderful couples who took the time to vote for me to get me this far in the competition. I really do appreciate every one of you.
Keep your fingers crossed !!
Until next time... take care xx
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